Friday, April 22, 2016

About alphas in Software Engineering

When people speak about engineering advantages based on theory they mean technical aspects. They mean the possibility to do calculations using formulas or reference books.
Social or administrative aspects of engineering are a question of minor importance or unimportant at all.
When engineers design bridges, buildings or machinery, they do not remember alpha

Friday, April 1, 2016

Summaries of articles of the decomposition scheme theory

1. The decomposition scheme theory as a prototype of the theory of applied algorithms. The paper copy of the article is in the library and in the magazine. 


The notion of the decomposition scheme as a core for decomposition scheme theory is proposed and described here. The notions of clump-property and algorithmic dependence are also described. Decomposition scheme is proposed to be used taking into account its algorithmic nature as the basis for building universal (canonical) algorithm. The questions of the canonical algorithm transformation into the specific application-oriented algorithms are discussed. The operations over the decomposition schemes which are itself operations over algorithms are described.

The full text of the article here. (In Russian)


To read the article that describes the generic algorithm model, please go to the link. The article is in English. It is not a professional translation for which I apologize.

To read the article (which was published second) that describes how a generic algorithm model transforms into a program text in a standard algorithmic language, please go to the link. The article is in English. It is not a professional translation for which I apologize.

2. The decomposition scheme theory. Presentation of canonical algorithm by means of algorithmic language The paper copy of the article is in the library and in the magazine. 

This work continues the description of the decomposition scheme as a theoretical model, which makes possible generation of the applied algorithms. The description of the algorithmic language made for show the possibility of algorithms generation is given. One of the factors' group is described, i.e. ways of placing the properties on the tape of the abstract type which when is taken into consideration allows to turn canonical algorithm into a real one and applied algorithm, which is the same as turning the decomposition scheme into the program text. The notions of algorithmic primitive and algorithmic joint (operand and operation) as the means for constructing the algorithm are introduced.  These notions of algorithms construction are the alternatives for the notional system and methods of structured programming. The notions of functional core, algorithmic frame, functional contents and algorithmic matrix are introduced. 

The full text of the article here. 
(In Russian)

To read the article that describes how a generic algorithm model transforms into a program text in a standard algorithmic language, please go to the link. The article is in English. It is not a professional translation for which I apologize.


3. The decomposition scheme theory. Research of R-data division factors in order to generate applied algorithms The paper copy of the article is in the library and in the magazine.

R-data kinds of division are described and factors of their fragments and components placing are considered. For all the variants of R-data division the changes into the canonic algorithm which are necessary for their union are described. From the standpoint of the complexity changes in algorithm vary from primitives in several imperative operators to algorithmic constructions with loops and control constructs. For making the algorithmic constructions there is the mechanism of synthesis offered – bound to the levels of algorithm tree. For purposes of the comparative analysis the schemes of decomposition and applied algorithm there was offered the notion of NAC-conditionality as more fitting that the graph isomorphism. It is shown that description of the variants and factors of R-data division is declarative. 

The full text of the article is here and here.
(In Russian)


4. The decomposition scheme theory. The research of R-data factors formatting for algorithms generation The paper copy of the article is in the library and in the magazine.

This work continues the presentment of the decomposition scheme theory as the theory of applied algorithms. The mechanism of conversion of a decomposition scheme into a real applied algorithm conditioned by the variety of data storage forms on the data carriers has been considered. Data storage portion as a phenomenon of electronic data processing has been described and there has also been suggested a general concept of a storage portion. The factors which generate the need for formatting and reformatting the data have been described. Generalized picture of data formatting has been given. The group of algorithmic constructions which realize the procedures of formatting and reformatting of the data for the general case has been suggested. The fact that within the theory of the decomposition schemes there exist considerably more circumstances of combining and cooperation of the storage portions than described in this work has been clarified. The mechanism of the canonic algorithm and synthesis of the algorithmic constructions which realize the procedures of data formatting has been suggested. The process of putting changes into the canonic algorithm is logical and methodic. 

The full text of the article is here. 
(In Russian)


5. The decomposition scheme theory. Scientific aspects and prospects for development

The work presents the decomposition scheme theory as a scientific theory. Its attributes has been described – paradigm, field of research, aim of research, main task, decision method, basic theory model – decomposition scheme. Practical aim of the theory is to suggest the mechanism of applied algorithms generation (not machine code).  It is shown that the decomposition scheme as a description changes the algorithm description and still remains declarative on the contrary to the algorithm description as imperative.  With this the decomposition scheme is the description, original for algorithms’ generation. The kinds of decomposition schemes and operations on them have been described. Algorithmically relevant factors which should be considered when generating algorithms in order the algorithms turned real have been described. Working over formalization and mathematical description of the phenomena and objects of the theory of the decomposition schemes has been described here. The mechanism for control of conclusions and results of the theory has been suggested. This work also describes the direction of development of the theory of the decomposition schemes. The priority direction relates to the creation and development of the system of capacious notion and abstractions. From the point of view of the practical application of the theory of the decomposition schemes there has been suggested the approach which is alike to the one used in machine-building – development and promoting of hi-tech when required – as a result of the targeted research. The full text of the article is here(In Russian) 


The full text of the article is here.  (In Russian)


6. On the possibility of a systematic study of the production management systems


Degree of similarity between systems, subsystems and tasks of MIS for different industries (the companies, departments, shops) is minimum that generates big expenses in designing of the software. The methodology of designing of MIS hides significant reserves for essential reduction in cost of these works. The purpose of this work is in offering the generalized (unified) scheme of tasks or subsystems of MIS that will allow to reduce costs for their designing. The conceptual model of the production management system is offered as such scheme. Basic managerial system with a cluster of models of the simplest production systems, managerial system tree, planning feature, function of cost accounting and the idea of polyfunctionality of production information is attributes of the conceptual model. The method of representation of multi-level a production management system as superposition of two-level managerial systems is offered. Two ideas – cluster of models of the elementary production systems and superposition of managerial systems – create prerequisites for classification and typification of the production management systems. The organizational mechanism and the mechanism of aggregating of production information are objects of a first-priority research among attributes of model of the elementary production systems. Classification and typification of the production management systems are a necessary condition for creation universal (or quasi-universal) the conceptual model of the production management system. The conceptual model of the production management system is considered as a basis for MIS designing.


The full text of the article is here.  (In Russian)


7. Formalization of the decomposition process


The article is devoted to the formal description of the procedure and scheme for the decomposition of arbitrary objects: objects, phenomena, organisms, processes in animate and inanimate nature. Attributes of the decomposition scheme such as an object property; various types of dependencies that can bind the properties of an object; decomposition mechanism; a graphic representation of the decomposition scheme — given and formally described. Varieties of decomposition schemes such as division decomposition and decomposition with inclusion are described. The variety of decomposition schemes and the variety of decomposition mechanisms are shown. The action of various variations of the decomposition scheme, such as: the scheme for the formation of new knowledge of the studied objects; design and production scheme for new objects: artifacts and processes; a scheme for transforming objects: modernization, reorganization, reforming, repair, etc. - formally described. A formal description is considered as a prerequisite for the analysis and synthesis of complex objects and complex systems at a level comparable to the level of mathematical accuracy and rigor. The synthesis and design of various multifunctional equipment, various multifactorial processes, objects and processes of art, and, in particular, systems of the IT industry - is implied. For the first time introduced and formally described the concepts “type of property” and “algorithmic dependence”. Algorithmic dependence exists between types of properties. These two concepts are prerequisites for the creation and development of the theory for Software Engineering. The article mentions a similar theory. Operations with decomposition schemes are described. Most of the concepts and ideas are illustrated with examples from various fields of human activity. This is evidence that the scheme of decomposition and the process of decomposition is a general scientific and philosophical phenomenon. The idea of a decomposition scheme can provide effective interdisciplinary communication.

The full text of the article is here.  (In Ukrainian)



Abstract. The significance of the study is contingent upon two criteria. All objects in the actual world that can capture a researcher’s attention are inherently complicated. Furthermore, every commodity that an individual manufactures and every work of art that an individual develops are intricate in nature. The entirety of the processes that an individual perceives and instigates are intricate. Although many professions have established techniques for constructing intricate entities, there currently exists no universally applicable concepts or methodologies for comprehensively studying, designing, producing, or generating complicated items.

The objective of this work is two-fold: firstly, to develop a comprehensive methodology for analysing complex synthetic processes, and secondly, to propose universal models or synthesis mechanisms that can be used to systematically derive specific process synthesis algorithms for various practical applications. The ability to utilize generalized models and synthesis techniques is highly advantageous when designing realistic computer programming.

The authors introduced a comprehensive process model and enumerated its characteristics. Using this concept, techniques for creating and suggesting processes have been formulated and put forward. The concept of a decomposition diagram enables the systematic design of intricate multi-level hierarchical processes. The multitude of processes and the intricacy of their combination give rise to the notion of formulating a synthesis theory. The acquired results can be regarded as the initial stage in the construction of such a theory. The authors’ proposed methods of process synthesis enable the deductive derivation of useful algorithms for application software. Although the concept of the breakdown scheme and synthesis procedures is relatively straightforward, this advancement has been suggested for the first time.

In order to further this project, it is necessary to augment the generalized process model with supplementary traits and properties, as well as to further refine the synthesis procedures. A proposal is being made to initiate the development of a theory for synthesizing a comprehensive plan using the decomposition scheme and methods of synthesis and decomposition.

Key words: theory of synthesis, method of synthesis, scheme for decomposition, algorithm, deductive reasoning, algorithm synthesis.


The full text of the article is here.  (In English)


9. "Algorithmic Approaches to Universal Analysis Models".

The concept of analysis is being contemplated in its most comprehensive philosophical context. An endeavour is undertaken to systematise the examination and present it in the form of a systematic procedure, in essence, to construct a formal comprehensive analysis model. The generalised model combines normal data processing procedures with pairs of philosophical categories of the most generic form as components. The sequence of their application is determined. This order is based on the degree of generality of the categories. Consequently, several analysis models were acquired. Despite the observable consistency in the sequence of category application, a comprehensive analytical model has not yet been established based on this series. However, the analysis techniques that have been obtained can already be regarded as prototypes of practical algorithms, serving as the foundation for deductively deriving algorithms for actual computer programmes.

Keywords: analysis, algorithmic analysis model, analysis algorithm, generalized concepts, philosophical categories, system, element.


The full text of the article is here.  (In English)


10. "About the necessity and possibility of creating a general theory of applied algorithms"

The title of the article may be changed in the future.

The article is in the editorial office of the journal and is undergoing peer review.


Relevance of the work. Among researchers, software project managers and practicing programmers, there is an understanding that programming technology needs a productive theory. Despite the fact that certain efforts have already been made and continue to be made to create such a theory, the result has not been achieved. In programming technology, as in any technology, in addition to the programming process, there are many other processes and many different types of work. But it is the programming process that is the most labor-intensive and must be changed radically. Programming must be transferred to the highest level of development - this is the main condition that can ensure progress in Software Engineering. Programming languages of a different type are needed that will significantly reduce the detail of the program text. But such algorithmic languages can only be obtained as a result of theoretical research.


Keywords. Decomposition scheme, object type, object part type, object properties, general programming concepts, algorithm.

Valery Kolesnyk
August 2024