Monday, February 1, 2016

Comparison innovations in the development of industrial production and innovations in the production Software

Comparison of some important innovations in the development of industrial production and potential innovations in the production Software of introduced  of the decomposition scheme theory

Material production

Manufacturing Software







Using a paper describing the design of industrial products
Alienation product design from the consciousness of a craftsman
Ability to simulate the design of industrial products using drawing.
Ability to control product design several persons.
Reduction of physical effort
Using the description of the construction program the (capacious)  concepts of the decomposition scheme theory
Alienation of the program from the consciousness of the programmer
Ability to design and simulate the design of program using a drawing.
Ability to control the design of the program more than one person.
Reducing the intellectual effort
Implementation of normalization (standardization, unification) of components and assemblies

Reducing the costs in mass production
Implementation of normalization (standardization, unification) component of the program

Reducing costs in the design and programming
Using a paper describing the technology to manufacture industrial products
Alienation of manufacturing technology products from the consciousness of a craftsman
Interchangeability in manufacturing. Possibility of division of labor
Using the tools of the decomposition scheme theory with the description of the technology of manufacturing of Software
Alienation programming from the mind of the programmer
Interchangeability in the process of programming. Possibility of division of labor in programming. Ability to control the programming process by several persons.
The totality of the synthesis of  the software algorithms (in the short term)

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